Status of CTC, Editor, and Hurricane Irma

I admit I haven’t posted much recently. But this is not because I’m lazy. Ok, sometimes I am. However, the focus has been on the editor, which turns out to be a bigger challenge than expected.

There are a lot of functional changes for editor support. E.g. to support an undo-function (and not to automatically save the whole scene every time you click the mouse button) one needs to register significant events into a log file in a meaningful way, but you need to read and execute the log file to make undo and redo work. This, however, adds an additional layer or way to input data to manipulate the scene, which is rather script based – like a comment file – on top of the way to change data via keyboard and mouse, and of course the coded file to read the scene data when you load it.

Then we want to make it all user friendly – we want to make a consistent feel among various parts, and you need to make decisions about behavior that you, the user, expect when manipulating anything. This is a challenge since the editor was started years ago, and over time early functional behavior sometimes seem to be out-fashioned.

And lets not forget that obliviously you need some documentation, a manual that explains everything – or at least try to.

Since one can get crazy with dealing with editor stuff all the time, other things have been addressed just for my minds sake.

So, the next release of CTC will have a different way to process purchases. In the future you will be able to view all available scenes within CTC, and you can select more than one item and put it into a shopping cart and pay for all of them at one. This was a suggestion from one or our users, and is a significant improvement over the current system where you can pay only for one item at a time.

And then there is this: we are located in an area that Hurricane Irma sets its eyes on. So it is possible if not likely that we may not have power or access to the internet for some days. Now, the website itself is not affected by this. So, unless you’re affected yourself, you can run CTC and access the website, even purchase things. However, registration codes may not be produced for a while. But don’t worry – you will get them once we’re back online.

Your WebRailRoaderTeam

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