CTC Simulator Updates: New Features, Crew Time Handling, and Preparing for .NET 8

It’s been a long time since the last post—too long, really. So, what happened?

One major development has been the introduction of ChatGPT. Additionally, I got a new computer and set it up to share the CTC source files with the old computer. This was done in preparation for a new CTC release line (version 6.x) that will use a newer .NET interface. On the old computer, I still build the .NET Framework line (version 5.x). There are differences between what you can and cannot do in .NET 8 compared to .NET Framework 4.7.2. All of those details have been worked out, so we may release a .NET 8 line in the future, which will be better suited for what’s ahead.

In the meantime, we’ve implemented a variation of the drawbridge feature. This feature involves a bridge that is mostly closed but opens for boat traffic when needed. This is how large swing bridges, which carry both rail and automobile traffic across rivers, typically operate. The trigger for opening such a bridge uses the foreign train feature, which, as you know, sends trains at random across tracks that intersect with your scenery at certain diamonds. CTC allows you to set up foreign tracks and even hide the crossings from view, so you wouldn’t even know that the “boats” are actually trains. Additionally, derail switches can now be set up for drawbridges, ensuring that the entire sequence of opening and closing bridges happens in the proper order.

We’re currently working on the design and implementation of Crew Time Handling—specifically, the maximum time a train crew can operate a train before a dispatcher needs to arrange for a replacement crew. Softrail’s TrainDispatcher has a similar feature, but there, you have an unlimited resource of replacement train crews, which, as you know, doesn’t reflect the reality of real-life operations. In CTC, we’re introducing the concept (class) of train crews, who can work for a set period but then need to rest before returning to duty. The train crews will essentially run the trains but will be idle during breaks, waiting for a replacement, or resting at home. There are numerous regulations and policies that must be followed, and we’re striving to reflect these in our CTC simulator. You can read more about this on our forum, where we’ve had some discussions.

Some elements of this new feature may appear in the next release of the CTC simulator, such as the establishment of one or more train crew offices where crews wait for their next assignment. These offices will be associated with specific areas they cover, meaning you’ll need to contact the office closest to the block where the replacement is needed. The farther away the office, the more time it will take for the crew to arrive. Additionally, the office will be dedicated to the type of train crew you need, whether for freight, passenger interurban, or long-distance trains.

As always – enjoy the game and happy Dispatching
Your WebRailRoader Team

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