5.4.1 File Menu

  • Open Territory File: Opens a dialog where you can select a CTC File to be loaded into the CTC Simulator. If you have a simulator running at this time, the system will ask you if you really want to terminate the active run.

  • Reload: The current territory is reloaded from file. If you have a simulator running at this time, the system will ask you if you really want to terminate the active run. This is a convenient way to return to the editor once you got out of it for a test run of the territory you just edited.

  • Create New: Prepares and initializes the CTC program for a creation of a brand new territory. If you have a simulator running at this time, the system will ask you if you really want to terminate the active run. Note: This option is not available without the STANDARD license for the CTC program.

  • Load Saved Game: Opens a dialog where you can select a file that you have saved earlier via the Save Current Game option. If you have a simulator running at this time, the system will ask you if you really want to terminate the active run. Note: You do not have to load a territory file prior to use this option, as the program will find the matching territory file for you and load that before actually loading the saved file, if it exists. If the saved game file has been loaded successfully, the program will ask you whether you want to load scene configuration data if available. After this the simulator is ready to run asynchronous mode. Depending on what the status was at the time the game was saved, the simulator will start.

  • Save Current Game: Saves the current game status into a file which you can load later with the Load Saved Game option to resume this current game. Opens a dialog box asking you to specify a file where you want to save it to. Note: This option may not be available for all territory versions.

  • Save Current Scene Config: Saves certain global scene data into a file which can be loaded just before starting or resuming a previously saved game. Opens a dialog box asking you to specify a file where you want to save it to. Note: This option may not be available for all territory versions

  • Exit: Terminates the simulator. If you have a simulator running at this time, the system will ask you if you really want to terminate the active run.

  • Recent Files: Opens a list of CTC files you have previously run or written after editing. The most recent files are listed first. A click on an element of this list will load the CTC file into the CTC simulator. If you have a simulator running at this time, the system will ask you if you really want to terminate the active run. Note: this list does not contain any files containing saved games or configuration files.

  • Set Email: Opens a dialog where you can enter your Email address. A valid Email address is required if you want to register particular territories or the simulator itself for your installed copy, as registration notices are sent via Email.

  • Update Registration Code: Here’s where can check whether new registration codes are available – if so they a list of affected product IDs will be displayed will be displayed and their registration will be fetched from the internet and stored into your profile.